Our Identity
Books can transport you. A great man once said that reading books is like living many lives. We believe that reading has the power to let people experience multiple facets of life that cannot be experienced within a single lifetime. Gaining knowledge and insight into the lives and experiences of others through the books we read widens the horizon of our perspective. It breeds awareness, understanding, and tolerance to people’s differences.
Yes, this is how deeply we perceive the value of reading is; that’s why we built this online platform. We have the most extensive selection of books from different genres. We help readers find and share books that resonate with them to spread the love of reading to the world.
We not only exist for readers; we serve authors too. We aspire to build connections between readers and authors, especially debut authors who have the talent and passion for storytelling. We want to build the broadest community of book sharing online.
What We Do
We post book, e-book, and audiobook reviews and recommendations for our readers to make sure they find what suits their literary taste. We track our site visitors’ book choices so we can provide personalized recommendations.
- We let you see what your friends are reading and what books you’d share with or recommend them.
- We post community reviews that will further help you make reading choices.
- Weekly staff picks, and reading lists (you know, like music playlists) are also available for a non-stop flow of ideas under similar themes from different books.
- WikiLivres is a reliable site for those who read for work, studies, research, and leisure. So, get comfy in your nook and get ready to experience a different lifetime.
Our Mission
We pave the way for a wide selection of books, e-books, and audiobooks for readers. We track visitors’ activities to create personalized recommendations to make sure there’s a book that resonates with every reader.
Our Vision
We envision to be the most inclusive online book site by consistently delivering reading selections as diverse as our readers. We envision to be the ultimate bridge-makers between authors and readers who deserve their literary masterpieces.